The Importance of Social Media to your Salon’s Survival!

A social media presence is imperative to a salon’s survival.

We all saw numerous businesses – including salons – utilize social media during the pandemic to build a following and maintain a cash flow while closed.

However, those that did not or were not able to do this are not feeling left behind. Although many salon owners will believe that the loyal clientele, they have had for years will continue to frequent their salons without any social media influence, this is not maintainable in the long run.

Salons can only grow by attracting new clients, developing their services, updating clientele on these developments, providing information on their industry to demonstrate your knowledge, experience and thus instilling faith in clients, and perhaps most importantly, posting pictures of results so potential clients can be sure that they will receive the results they want. 

The Benefits of Social Media:

  1. Increased Brand Awareness – Getting your name out there is imperative to attracting clients and thus increasing your profits! An up-to-date social media presence tells prospective clients that you are proud of your services. Word of mouth has a large amount of influence and today, social media controls this, whether it be happy client’s commenting on their results pictures or friend forwarding posts to one another. 

  2. More clients & bookings – Not only will having social media provide prospective clients with proof that your services are top tier, it is also a means of providing important information!

    This can include location, perks (free delivery with online purchases, free parking etc.) as well as a means of booking their appointment online. Many people today shy away from phone calls, whereas an efficient online system where a client can book in a few easy clicks means they will not procrastinate in ensuring their appointment. This also means you can easily provide potential clients with information through DMs for quick and easy client engagement.

  3. Increase online retail sales – Covid habits will be instilled in us for quite some time, and even before the pandemic online hopping from the comfort of one’s own home was becoming extremely popular. This allows people to compare between products, check out reviews and read up on product information and benefits before purchasing. Building on online presence – including an online shop – is a sure-fire way to increase sales. This is a great way to market yourself to those who cannot purchase salon services, for example, if they live too far away. 

  4. Build a loyal online following – Client’s seeing their results on your socials will instill confidence that you are proud of the service you provided them. This, as well as engagement and frequent updates will help build a loyal online following. This is the perfect way to ensure client’s think ‘where else?’ when looking to book a salon appointment. 

  5. Ability to scale your business quicker – Growing your business involves numerous factors, including client engagement, having the rights staff, knowing how to market your services, and having the correct systems in place. While this can seem overwhelming, social media can be applied to the development of all facets of your business to ensure it runs smoothly while simultaneously growing for the better. 

If you are a salon owner who is struggling with using social media contact us today via our “CONTACT US” form for information about how we can help your business grow.

Alanna x


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