8 Christmas Content Ideas For Your Salon Social Media

Christmas is fast approaching and as we all know it is one of the busiest times of the year for many salons and clinics. However, during this busy time of year, many salons let their social media marketing fall by the wayside because they are too busy to post or don't know what to post! 

Well, I am here to help you with your Christmas marketing campaign and tell you why you need to post before and in the run-up to Christmas to maximize your salon sales. 

Christmas is a brilliant time to boost your salon's sales as people are looking to buy! They need Christmas gifts, either for family, friends or even for themselves. (who doesn't love a little self-care gift!) 

Salon owners can utilize this busy shopping period by posting content that will maximize their sales such as Christmas Gift Guides, Start your haircare or skincare journey essential kits and products. Creating FOMO around have limited appointments left! 

If you are a salon owner who needs Christmas content ideas to boost your salon sales I have got you covered! 

Here are 8 Christmas content ideas for your salons social media. 

1- Decorating your tree or salon for Christmas. 

 Take some videos of you and your team decorating your salon and turn it into a reel. Add a trending Christmas Audio and watch your engagement grow! 

2- Christmas Inspo Content. 

Use your own salon content as inspiration for Christmas treatments such as Christmas-inspired nails, the hottest or most popular Christmas hairstyle, or a bridal look for any Christmas brides. 

3- Your Christmas Opening Hours. 

Start these posts now and create FOMO, (fear of missing out) to encourage your followers to start booking their appointments with you. 

4- Create a Christmas Gift Guide. 

Make it easier than ever before for people to shop with you by telling them what products are suitable for friends and family that will make great gifts. 

5- Stocking Filler Ideas. 

Gifts under €40 are great for stocking filler ideas and Secret Santa! Create a list of retail items you sell under €40 and who they are suitable for. Give your followers ideas and tell them how to purchase.

6- Share a picture from your Christmas party. 

Share something different, let your clients see you and your team celebrating all your hard work all year! 

7- Christmas Treatments. 

Create a package that clients can purchase now and use in January, such as an express facial, an Olaplex treatment and a blow dry. This is great for getting your diary booked and busy for January but also as a great gift idea for a friend or family member. 

8- Cancelled and Last Minute appointments. 

Have 2 or 3 story templates designed and saved on your camera roll, ready to go for when you need them. If a last-minute cancelation pops us or you have a gap in your diary a day, post it on your Instagram stories. Bonus Tip- Add the direct link to your online booking system to make it easier for your followers to “Tap and Book”.

Let us know if you are going to incorporate these ideas into your Christmas marketing strategy.

Alternatively, if you haven't created a Christmas marketing strategy and would like to get professional support book a social media strategy session with us here.


How to get €2,500 towards your salon website and marketing


How to generate more sales on your Instagram stories for your salon or clinic.